Monday, 26 April 2010

Nelson (day 43)

I drove up to Nelson from Franz Joseph yesterday. It was a pretty uneventul trip, although there were still quite a few showers. I think I got out of Southland and Fjordland just in time, though, as today there are reports of the worst floods they've had in ten years.

Today, I drove up to the north of South Island to Abel Tasman National Park and Golden Bay. My plan had been to go hiking in the park, but the weather was so poor that I thought it more prudent to stay in the car. When I got to Golden Bay, the visibilty was so bad that I turned round and went straight back to my hotel. Actually, I have a whole apartment, including living/dining room and kitchen and so I've been able to eat in for once. It turns out that the money I save on dinner and breakfast more than pays for the extra cost of the room.

No pictures today, but I have started to add in slideshows of all relevant pictures to my blog postings. I've gone back to my first day in New Zealand and, if I get any spare time, I might go back to Indochina, as well.

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